How Parents Can Help Stop or Prevent Bullying
Just as kids are formally gathering in classrooms, they’re gathering in school yards, hallways, sports stadiums and online. Parents hope they’re making good friends, but in some cases, just the opposite is happening – through bullying. More an [...]
Read MoreHow to Handle Back-to-School Jitters
It’s hard to believe, but the start of the new school year is already upon us. For some children, this means returning to a group of friends they haven’t seen much of all summer. For others, starting school may be a brand new thing! For young c [...]
Read MoreTake the Burden Out of Back-To-School Bedtimes
While it may seem that summer vacation just began, “back to school” is fast approaching. The transition from the flexibility of summer schedules to the specific routines of the school year can be difficult for children and parents alike. For s [...]
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