July 15, 2021

10,000 Steps: The Reason Behind the Number

Have you ever wondered where that elusive 10,000-step number came from or how many steps are right for you? Fitness trackers are more popular than ever and step tracking is gaining popularity.  In the physical therapy department I have many pat [...]

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January 29, 2021

Week One Mini Challege: Step Challenge

Shape the Valley Week One Mini Challenge: Steps This week’s challenge is on steps! Our recommended steps each day is 10,000 (or more!). Yes, I know, 10,000 steps seems like a lot, but the average person gets 5,000 steps just by normal activit [...]

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January 14, 2021

More Steps for a Healthy Heart

It’s heart month and throughout February, we want to share different ways to improve your heart health. One way to not only increase your heart health, but also improve overall health is standing and walking more during the day. As humans, we w [...]

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