Held during Rally in the Valley on August 12. Professionally timed for serious runners, and family-friendly atmosphere.
Scroll down for more the route maps, more information, sign-up and FAQs.

Registration is located at the bottom of the page before the FAQ.
Gear up for the 17th Annual Rock River Run!
Sponsored by:
- Hi-Way Chevrolet Buick
- Van Der Brink Trucking
- Premier Bank
- City of Rock Valley
- Hegg Health Center
Early bird registration price is $35 a person and guarantees a donation to the Hegg Foundation for a Laxco microscope, a race t-shirt, race bag with gift cards and freebies from local businesses, race number, 5K/10K route, and more. Water and light breakfast will be available before, and the Rooted Coffee Truck will be serving in the parking lot following the race!
The 5K and 10K will be professionally timed by an Ames-based timing agency for serious runners. Families are welcome to participate casually. Take the whole clan!
Medals and prizes to be awarded to the following:
Best time in each of the below age categories (Male and Female for each):
- 18 and under
- 19-29
- 30-39
- 40-49
- 50-59
- 60+
This is a fundraiser for the Hegg Foundation. If the Rock River Run registers at least 157 participants, we can purchase a $5,488.48 Laxco microscope! This microscope will replace an older microscope in the Hegg Laboratory and features new technology which will allow multiple techs, physicians, and students to view samples at once on a screen, enhancing patient care and diagnosis accuracy through multi-review.
River Run Frequently Asked Questions
What are the age requirements?
What are the age requirements?
This is a family-friendly event for all ages. The Rock River Run is for both serious and casual runners, with professional timing for 5K and 10K. Prizes will be awarded to Male and Female categories for the following ages:
- 18 and under
- 19-29
- 30-39
- 40-49
- 50-59
- 60+
What is the weather policy?
What is the weather policy?
As we realize the time and commitment for participants to take part in the race, as prudent hosts of the event with a safety-first attitude, race officials may cancel, delay or change the event in case of extreme weather or other conditions that may affect the safety and health of the participants. In the event of cancellation, refunds will not be issued. Examples of extreme weather include: lightning or the immediate threat of lightning, extreme heat or anticipated extreme heat, extreme cold or anticipated extreme cold, heavy precipitation, extremely high winds, flooding, etc.
In the event of inclement weather prior to 8:00 AM, the start time of this event may be delayed by up to 45 minutes.
Should the weather conditions continue to be unsafe for the run, the event will be canceled for all participants.
Athletes will be notified of event changes via email and social media.
What is the refund policy?
What is the refund policy?
The Rock River Run adheres to the standard 5K/10K running industry policy. All entry fees are non-refundable. The entry fee for this year’s event will not transfer to next year’s event.
What are the course time limits?
What are the course time limits?
5K: 1 hour 45 minutes
10K: 2 hours 15 minutes
The Rock River Run time limits are set to provide a safe and positive race day experience. Participants in all distances will need to be able to maintain the average pace per mile in order to complete their race before ambulance and police supervision expire.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Who do I contact if I have questions?
For any outstanding questions, please contact our Race Organizer.
Scott Van Den Brink | vdb_29@hotmail.com | 605-310-3388
For support filling out the sign-up form, please contact Hegg Marketing at HMH_Marketing@hegghc.org
Classes & Events
- Adult & Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED
- Glow the Distance
- Group Fitness Classes
- Hegg Athlete of the Month Award
- Hegg Employee Cookout
- Hegg Holiday Gift Selection
- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
- Kulinary Kings Volunteer Opportunity
- Memory Loss Support Group
- Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
- Piano at Parkview
- Rock River Run 2023
- Safe Sitter
- Shape the Valley
- Vaping Education