Usborne Book Fair

September 7, 2023

Usborne Book Fair

Girl enjoys reading a Paperpie book she received for Christmas.
Usborne Book Fair

October 20, 2023

Join us for an Paperpie (previously Usborne Books) Fundraiser!
Friday, October 20 | 10am - 3pm
Bistro 67 Lobby
Over 1,300 bright, colorful, fun titles covering activities, puzzles, and a wide range of subjects for children of all ages.
An eFair link will be provided two weeks before the fair for alternative online shopping.
Proceeds directly benefit patients and families! Children visiting Hegg for various reasons receive a small Paperpie book as a gift. These books make great gifts and entertainment during and after maybe a not-so-fun visit!
Bistro 67 Lobby inside Hegg Health Center
1202 21st Ave
Rock Valley, IA 51247

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