In order to better serve the elders and caregivers of the community, informal respite services will be provided on an hourly or daily basis.
Description of the Program
- Respite care on an hourly or daily basis will be an organized program of temporary supportive care provided for a short time to relieve the usual caregiver.
- All rules and regulations for meeting the Medicaid and Medicare requirements will apply to all persons admitted for respite care including admissions, transfer, and discharge rights excepting Rule 481-58.40 (135C) regarding involuntary discharge or transfer rights.
- The care recipient and Whispering Heights (prior to admission) will enter into a contract which shall specify the time periods during which the care recipient will be considered to be receiving respite care services. The contract will include the rates and services which can be expected to be provided. The contract will be reviewed on a quarterly basis or sooner if there are any significant changes in the person, caregiver, or facility conditions. The contract will specifically state the care recipient maybe discharged while being considered as a respite care individual. All other people’s rights will be pertinent to the respite care individual as if admitted to the facility as ICF.
- Respite Care Services shall not be provided by Whispering Heights to persons requiring a higher level of care than ICF which the facility is licensed to provide.
- Other considerations:
- Prior to admission the facility staff will meet with the person and caregiver for assessment and to establish a plan of care. This will be reviewed quarterly or sooner if significant changes.
- Medications may be brought to the facility only under the guidelines and regulations governing the facility at that time.
- The person’s attending physician will be notified of admission to informal respite care and admission orders obtained.
- Supportive therapy, dietary, nursing and activity services will be provided as needed and determined by the multidisciplinary team.
- Placement within the facility will be determined by the current census and nursing needs of the respite care individual. The facility will try to accommodate requests for a private room as it is able to.
- Whispering Heights shall maintain the following information to be updated at least annually.
- The person’s name, birth date, age, and address and the telephone number of the spouse, guardian or primary caregiver.
- An emergency medical care release
- Advanced Directives
- Emergency contact telephone numbers such as the number of the person’s physician and the spouse, guardian, or primary caregiver.
- The person’s medical issues, including allergies.
- The person’s daily schedule which includes their preferences in activities, food preferences or any other special concerns.
Whispering Heights shall not exceed its license’s capacity and services. The services provided shall be in locations consistent with licensure. Respite care will not be provided outside of the facility. Respite care can be provided to Medicaid clients on the HCBS waiver. This can be done on an hourly or overnight basis. If a client who is paying privately wants to stay overnight, it can be no longer than 13 1/2 days at a time. The Medicaid clients would have to go through their case managers for this program.