Week 5 Mini Challenge: Mindfulness
This week’s challenge is finding 15 minutes to have peace/rest each day. There is a multitude of ways to do this! For example, finding a quiet room in your house and sitting there for 15 minutes to just think to yourself and relax! Or, maybe you like to read as a form of relaxation – find a time to read for a while and relax. Lastly, you could take a bath or shower to relax and give yourself some much needed time on your own. These are just some examples of what you can do to rest your mind, but it is important to get that peace in our busy daily lives! A simple 15 minutes by yourself to relax is vital for your mental and spiritual health. This time allows you to debrief, collect your thoughts, and gather yourself. Finding time to relax within your day will certainly help you to have the energy to do the things you need to do, and to be able to be more patient and laid back in certain situations. No doubt, a dose of peace each day will help allow you to take a deep breath and mentally prepare yourself for the busyness that lies ahead of you. Simply put, it is vital to do so! So, this week, find time to have some peace and rest each week, even amongst the busyness of your life. I promise you, you will grow to appreciate it and hopefully make it a habit.